Nesteel Projects Ltd​


Two-thirds of the elements in nature are metal when there are 92 elements in nature

Since there are many competitors in the metal industry, we set ourselves a goal to be leaders in the metal field in providing creative solutions in real time for projects under construction and projects during the production stop, which requires reliability, professionalism and quality while meeting the timetables set for the project and of course to the direct satisfaction of the customer.

About nesteel projects ltd​

Nestle Projects is a company specializing in the production and installation of metals, piping and industrial equipment especially in complex works in a short period of time.

At Nestel Projects, any complex work is challenging.

We absorb employees with integrity, intelligence and energy to maintain the core of a winning team.

Our Torah for carrying out a project or industrial mission is:

To instruct the employees about work in safety according to the task in the work environment on the same day and to make clear to employees that every perfect project is a complete body of all the employees in the project and therefore our duty to wake up and teach other employees around us on the work site.​


Analyze work performance by time and output​

Disassemble the project for separate operations that are carried out at specified intervals in coordination with the customer​

To train the employees to work according to the norms determined in the analysis of the project and according to the customer's requirements​

Perform with quality control teams in their work areas to ensure uncompromising quality​




השחף 33 עמק שרה באר שבע (בבניה)

משלוח דואר: ת.ד. 7172 מיקוד: 84849

טלפון: 052-8836222

פקס: 08-6283672


צרו קשר

ייצור והתקנת מתכות למבני תעשיה 

התקנת ציוד תעשייתי

בניה ירוקה

תחזוקת מבני תעשייה 

חיפויי פח מבודדים

השירותים שלנו

נסטיל פרויקטים היא חברה המתמחה בייצור והתקנת מתכות , צנרת וציוד תעשייתי במיוחד בעבודות מורכבות בפרק זמן קצר.

בחברת נסטיל פרויקטים כל עבודה מורכבת היא עבודה מאתגרת .

אנו קולטים עובדים בעלי יושרה , אינטליגנציה ומרץ לשמירה על הגרעין של צוות מנצח.

